Vision and Mission

“To ignite a global resurgence of Indigenous innovation, where communities thrive through self-determination, cultural preservation, and sustainable economic growth, fostering a vibrant ecosystem of innovation, collaboration, and economic growth, preserving and celebrating cultural heritage while fostering cutting-edge solutions for the future.”
“Samarth Sangam is building a dynamic and interconnected platform where Indigenous communities:
Connect and collaborate with the world, facilitating the exchange of ideas, products, services, and knowledge.
Communicate their stories, knowledge, and perspectives, providing accessible communication tools that acilitate dialogue, promote understanding, and amplify Indigenous voices.
Consent to all interactions and transactions, upholding sovereignty and rights, ensuring all interactions and transactions on the platform are based on free, prior, and informed consent, and respecting Indigenous sovereignty and intellectual property rights.
Coordinate action and resources to amplify their impact, facilitating coordinated action
and resource sharing to support Indigenous-led initiatives and amplify their impact.
Execute their visions, launch businesses and projects, and drive change with the support
of Samarth Sangam, which provides the tools and resources needed to turn ideas into