Bharat, Bhartiya & Bhartiyata - Samarth Trust

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Bharat, Bhartiya and Bhartiyata


Ours is a country, which has given birth to many great men, which however, does not imply that a country has achieved greatness. In any country, the position of the simplest and most ordinary person should be of an excellent standard. In all walks of life, if people of different strata can work together in unison, then change is possible. Only then will a country progress and will be able to carve a place for itself on the world map.

Our Constitution has outlined in detail, a citizen’s duties and responsibilities, which are mandatory and hence keeping this goal and vision in mind, our Trust ‘Samarth’ is fulfilling its task and mission. Since years, efforts have been made to help the poor and alleviate their condition, but, since decades, poverty has become a serious problem in our country. It is vital that the poor understand how to free themselves from their poverty and mitigate their circumstances. This understanding and knowledge is necessary and should be woven into the very fabric of our society.

“It is not a crime to be born poor, but to die poor is definitely a crime”. It is imperative that this concept should become an integral part of the framework of our society.

We are, at our level, working towards the progress of society. While it is essential to build schools and educational institutions, it is even more important to mold students who are versatile and all-rounders. The role of a teacher in creating good students is valuable, but unfortunately, in the current scenario, teachers are lacking in the ability to create and mold students with the required character, knowledge, discipline and virtues.

Due to these circumstances, such a defective system which lacks the ability to create ideal and all-round students, has become lethal to our country. To leave students to perish in such conditions would be nothing short of playing with the future of our country.

“Mera Samarth Bharat” campaign, initiated by the Samarth Trust and inspired by former President of India Bharat Ratna, Dr A. P. J. Abdul Kalam works towards betterment of the condition of the ordinary citizen and encourages them to strive to create an environment of upliftment and all-round development.

We all are, in our own way, working towards contributing to society. But this is not the time to work separately and individually. It is now time to join hands and come together with a common philosophy and thought process, in order to brainstorm and arrive at a suitable agenda and plan of action.

Your observations and views on this are essential. The future lies in working together and not singly. It is important to formulate and initiate a process of LINKS, Connectivity, Communication, Consent and Coordination.